Telemetry Tool

How to install the Telemetry Tool for AC

Here are the steps.

  1. Download the install .zip file
  2. Unzip to any location on your system:
  3. Start the tool with the runWin.bat. This will show the launcher, so start the Tool and the Relay. Launcher AC This will setup all directories etc. On first run the Tool will also ask for data location etc.
  4. If the tool + relay started, close them.
  5. Take from bin\ac_relay the AC plugin .zip unzip it to AC install directory or use Content Manager to install the plugin.
  6. Now start AC and check that the plugin is loaded. You can do this by pressing HOME key and checking the messages.
  7. If the Plugin loaded, start the Telemetry Tool + Relay
  8. If you edit the IP Addresses/Ports via AC Settings, make sure the Shmem-to-UDP relay, AC Plugin and AC broadcast data all have separate ports.
  9. If all is done properly, you should start seeing data in the Tool.

You can find additional tracksmaps for AC at AddOns directory