Telemetry Tool

How to install the Telemetry Tool for EA Sports WRC (WRC)

Here are the steps.

  1. If you have not yet downloaded the Tool,
    Download the install .zip file
  2. Unzip to any location on your system, e.g:
  3. Now start WRC, if you haven't started it yet and then stop it. If you have already played WRC, move to next step.
  4. Start the tool with the runWin.bat. This will show the launcher. Select WRC and press 'Launch'. This will setup all directories and copy the WRC related config file + modify the WRC data at 'Documents\My Games\WRC\telemetry\' etc. On first run the Tool will also ask for data location etc.
  5. If the tool started, close it.
  6. Start the Telemetry Tool with the launcher (i.e. runWin.bat)
  7. Start WRC
  8. If all is done properly, when you start driving (or actually start the session), you should start seeing data in the Tool.

There are additional trackmaps for EA WRC at AddOns