Telemetry Tool

How to install the Telemetry Tool for Live For Speed (LFS)

Here are the steps.

  1. Download the install .zip file
  2. Unzip to any location on your system, e.g:
  3. Start the tool with the runWin.bat. This will show the launcher. Select LFS and press 'Launch' Launcher LFS This will setup all directories etc. On first run the Tool will also ask for data location etc.
  4. If the tool started, go in the menu to 'Settings -- LFS Settings' and check the default settings are there (InSim control: 29999, Data retrieval: 20778) and press 'Save', then close the Tool.
  5. In the \cfg.txt enable the Outsim with following settings:
    OutSim Mode 1
    OutSim Delay 1
    OutSim IP
    OutSim Port 20778
    OutSim ID 0
    OutSim Opts 1ff
  6. Now start LFS with InSim with command: LFS.exe /insim=29999.
  7. Start the Tool with the launcher (i.e. runWin_Launcher.bat)
  8. If all is done properly, when you start driving (or actually start the session), you should start seeing data in the Tool.
  9. If you edit the IP Addresses/Ports, make sure the InSim port is same in game and in the Tool and that the OutSim/listening port is different to the InSim port.

The Tool will create basic trackmaps as you driver around.